Retailing, Franchising, and Consumerism Business Intelligence in China

JD Appointed Strategic Investment Director

According to reports in foreign media, China's second largest e-commerce company JD appointed Jason Hu, former managing director of CDH Investments, as its strategic investment director, leading transactions in China and abroad.

Hu joined JD in July 2019 and he is also JD's vice president, directly report to JD's chief strategy officer Jon Liao. The new post of strategic investment director will help JD enlarge its investment unit.

Before joining JD, Hu worked as consultant at Bain & Company and held a senior investment management position in the private equity investment company CDH Investments. During his service at CDH Investments, Hu participated in investments in Deppon Express, Yimidida, and Belle International.

A spokesperson from JD said that the appointment of Hu will further enhance JD's investment and strategy leadership and promote its continuous growth.

Before the joining of Hu, JD's strategic investment business was commanded by chief strategy officer Liao.

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