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Jian Guo Hotel Shanghai's Perfect Annual Party Express


2010 Jian Guo Perfect Annual Party Express

Jian Guo Hotel, The landmark of Xujiahui
Jian Guo Hotel's Perfect Annual Party is overall upgraded in 2010.

1040m2 Square, Catching every emotion
Grand Ballroom, holding a capacity of 800 persons
5 fashionable multi-function rooms, Fulfilling various needs

Delicacy, Awaking every taste bud
Besides Savory Appetizer, pre-banquet Cocktail Party and Creative Pastry Basket, we will sincerely serve you a series of special dishes.

Hearty Service, Considering every detail
Our considerate meeting experts will make an all-out effort to coordinate your entire event and resolve any difficulties you come across.

Price: From RMB 238 Per Person and up
Venue: Catering Dept. (4F), Jian Guo Hotel, 439 Cao Xi Road (N), Shanghai
Reservations: (86 21) 6439 9299-3361?3362


Address: 439 Cao Xi Road (N), Shanghai Zip Code: 200030
Tel: (86 21) 6439 9299 Fax: (86 21) 6439 9433
email: website:

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