Retailing, Franchising, and Consumerism Business Intelligence in China


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New President For P&G Greater China

News from Procter & Gamble is that Daniela Riccardi, its president for Greater China, will leave the company and will be replaced by Shannan Stevenson, the current vice president for P&G's Western Europe Laundry division.

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P&G Opens Online Store On China's

The global consumer products giant Procter & Gamble has opened an online store on the Chinese Internet shopping website, marking the company's debut into China's Internet marketing sector.

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P&G Has Second Round Of China Price Increases

After raising the prices of Pantene and Crest, Proctor and Gamble recently started the second round price increase of its many brands, including Whisper and Pampers — with prices up by 10% to 15%.